Exhibition ProgramME

Tuesday, 14 November
10:00   Show opens
10:30   Jury starts judging
11:00   Official Opening Ceremony
12:45   Jury Group Photo
12:50   Commissioner Group Photo
22:00  Show closes

Wednesday, 15 November
10:00  Show opens
18:00  Philatelic Seminar – From the Rules to a Good Exhibit
            by Norman Banfield
22:00   Show closes

Thursday, 16 November
10:00   Show opens
12:00   Jury Submit Results
16:00   Results on Frames
18:00  Philatelic Seminar – Development of Postal Services in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah by Abdulaziz Al Nuaimi
21:00   Philatelic & Numismatic Auction
22:00  Show closes

Friday, 17 November
14:00  Show opens
20:00   Gala Dinner/Award Ceremony
22:00   Show closes

Saturday, 18 November
10:00   Show opens
11:00   Critique Session
13:00   Postcrossing Meetup
16:00   Philatelic Seminar – Picture Postcard
             By Adam Hafez
22:00   End of Show
22:00   Dismounting of the Exhibits6