In response to the directions of His Highness the President, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan AI Nahyan for the promotion and development of tourism in AI Ain, His Highness Sheikh Saeed Bin Tahnoon AI Nahyan, member of the Executive Council and Under Secretary of Municipality and Town Planning Departments of AI Ain, directed to perform The First Spring Fair in 1988. 35,000 visited this fair and in the Second Spring Fair held in 1989, this number was doubled.
AI Ain Third Festival shall last for 24 days starting from 7th of January 1990 upto 9th of February 1990. The number of theatres and bands are more than those which participated in the last two fairs. More than 25 bands of folklore, circus and magic from Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, India, Sri Lanka, Soviet Union, United Kingdom and other local bands are participating in this festival.
The number of theatres prepared in the Fun City during AI Ain Third Festival are five divided in all the area of the city to enable these bands to show their folklore, songs, magic and the ice-hockey games.
The Tourism Development Committee together with Abu Dhabi National Hotels Company are distributing more than 1000 gifts and prizes amounting to half million Dirhams composed of vehicles, gold ingots, air-tickets to Italy for the Football World Cup plus accommodation and other different prizes.