Emirates 2022

EPG and EPA hosted Emirates 2022 World Stamp Exhibition


UAE Wins Gold Medal in Lugano, Switzerland

Sharjah 2023 Stamp Exhibition

EPA & Sharjah Mega Mall will hold a Stamp Exhibition to promote every aspect of philately in the region

Jakarta 2024

UAE Wins Several Medals at Asian International Stamp Exhibition held in Jakarta


EPA with co-operation of Dragon Mart 2 hold Stamp Exhibition EPAEX 2020

UAE Wins Large Gold in Singapore

EPA participated in Singapore 2019 Exhibition

UAE Wins Medals in Wuhan, China

EPA participated in CHINA 2019 World Stamp Exhibition held in Wuhan, China

UAE Wins 5 Gold Medals in Bangkok



EPA with co-operation of Dragon Mart 2 hold Stamp Exhibition EPAEX 2019

UAE Wins Gold Medal in Macao

EPA participated in the Macao 2018 Asian International Stamp Exhibition

Chapter 4

Chapter I     |     Chapter 2     |     Chapter 3    |     Chapter 4     |     Chapter 5    |     Chapter 6-7    |     Chapter 8

Chapter IV

Board of Directors

Article 23

The Association's Board of Directors shall consist of nine active members elected through secret ballot by the General Assembly for a term of four years. Any member can be re-elected for more than one term.

Article 24

Members eligible for being elected to the Board of Directors shall be active members and in good standing for at least six months in the Association's register.

Article 25

The Board of Directors will elect from its members a President, Deputy President, General Secretary, Treasurer and representatives for different activities within one week of election of the Board of Directors.

Article 26

The Board of Directors is empowered to form one or more committees from its members and decide on the number of members for each committee, its designation, and their functions. The committee shall submit reports of its study and research to the Board of Directors for their appreciation and decision.

Article 27

A member of the Board of Directors shall cease to be a member under the following circumstances:

  • Resignation
  • Death
  • By failing to attend meetings of the Board of Directors for four consecutive times or for six intermittent times during a year without reasonable excuse acceptable to the Board of Directors.

Article 28

In the event of a vacancy I vacancies in the Board of Directors members who polled enough votes but did not qualify for the Board of Director's shall have the right to be appointed to occupy these positions. They shall remain members up to the end of term. If such members refused to accept the positions or were not present, then extra-ordinary meeting of the General Assembly shall be held for conducting the elections.

Article 29

In the event of one third of the Board Members resigning at one time, the Board of Directors shall be considered dissolved and Article (21) shall be applied.

Article 30

The Board of Director shall conduct the following business.

  • Manage the Association's affairs and provide necessary help to carry out. its activities.
  • Approve and issue instructions in matters of finance, administration and other technical matters.
  • Discuss and approve all financial and administrative matters.
  • Approve membership applications after they are scrutinized by the General Secretary.
  • Convene the General Assembly to hold its regular and extra-ordinary meetings and implement its resolutions.
  • Propose the amendments and bylaws to the Constitution and submit them to the General Assembly.
  • Select some active members to represent the Association in symposia and conferences
  • Discuss complaints of members, resolve them, and take the necessary decisions.
  • Appoint an auditor for the Association and decide his remuneration.
  • Any other matters authorized by the General Assembly.

Article 31

Duties of the President of the Board of Directors:

  • Preside over the sessions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
  • Represent the Association at home and outside the country.
  • Sign all contracts and agreements drawn with the Association after they are ratified by the Board of Directors.
  • Sign Cheques and accounts of the Association along with the Treasurer.
  • Attend the meetings of committees appointed by the Association
  • Convene the extra-ordinary meetings of the Board of Directors

Article 32

The Deputy President shall officiate for the President in case of his absence or as directed by the President.

Article 33

The duties of the General Secretary:

  • Prepare the agenda for the Board of Directors and the General Assembly meetings.
  • Draw up the agenda to be discussed in the meeting of the Board of Directors in order of their importance after consulting and obtaining approval from the President.
  • Send invitations and follow the procedures to conduct the meeting of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. Take down minutes of the meeting and record them in the Book of Minutes.
  • Receive the mail of the Association and reply the same after showing to the Board of Directors.
  • Implement resolutions of the Board of Directors.
  • Submit reports to the Board of Directors for discussion.
  • Submit membership applications to the Board of Directors for approval after scrutinizing them.
  • Prepare the annual report and submit it to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly. Attend the meetings of committees appointed by the Association.

Article 34

The duties of the Treasurer:

  • Collect the Association's money. Issue official receipts and deposit them in the accredited Bank within a period of 48 hours.
  • Carry out financial resolutions passed by the Board of Directors and coordinate the budget items and internal regulations.
  • Sign the cheques and accounts of the Association alongwith the President or his Deputy.
  • Maintain the Association's accounts and keep all documents relating to the financial affairs of the Association in a proper safe.
  • Pay salaries of employees and other expenditures duly approved by the President/the Board of Directors Maintain a proper register and inventory of the property of the Association.
  • Submit a report about the financial situation of the Association if requested by the Board of Directors.
  • Follow the procedure to collect member's application and fees.
  • Maintain a permanent imprest (advance) of not more than AED 500 in the safe for emergency expenditures.

Article 35

The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a month. The meeting will not be deemed valid unless majority of its members attend. Extra-ordinary meeting can be held at the request of the President, General Secretary or at least four members to discuss urgent matters.

Article 36

The Board of Directors shall pass any resolution if voted by majority of members. In the event of there being a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.

Article 37

The Board of Directors may invite non -members to attend any session to obtain their expert opinion.