
Chapter 6-7

Dissolution of the Association

Article 51
In accordance with Article 36 of the Federal Decree No. 6/1974 concerning regulation of Public Associations and its amendments, the dissolution of the Association can be done by the regular General Assembly meeting under the following conditions:-
After obtaining approval from the Minister of Labour and Social Affair. Dissolution shall be passed by two thirds majority of the members present. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs shall be notified of the date and location of meeting at least 15 days prior to the meeting of the General Assembly.
No member of the Association its employees or any person connected with it shall interfere or dispose the property of the Association including its documents unless the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs approves and decides the way how such funds, property and documentation are to be disposed, and disbursed to the rightful owners.

Chapter 7


Article 52
Rules for establishing a branch of the Association in any city in the Country are as follows:
Branch Members shall not be less than twenty years old. Shall be on approval by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs at a written request from the Association showing the following:
place and address of the branch.
administrative and financial rules for the branches.
number of branch members, their names, ages, and addresses.
The General Assembly shall pass the resolution for establishing a branch in accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors.
Article 53
The branch shall be managed by a special Board of Directors consisting of not less than three members and one of them shall be a member of the Association's Board of Directors.