Product Detail

UAE Innovates

Name of the Issue UAE Innovates
Release Date 22 November 2015
Denominations AED3
Souvenir Sheet -
Size 35x45 mm in sheets of 20 stamps 
Designer Emirates Post Group in co-ordination with UAE Prime Minister's Office
Printing Method Offset Lithographic
Printer Oriental Printing Press - Bahrain
Quantities Stamp 25,000 
UAE Innovates

The vision of the UAE is to become one of the best countries in the world by 2021. In this contest, H. H. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed AI Nahyan, President of the UAE designated the year 2015 as the Year of Innovation to highlight the importance of the culture of innovation in the national agenda.  

H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has launched many initiatives to enhance innovation in the Government Sector. One of them is the National Innovation Strategy with a seven-year plan that aims to stimulate innovation in seven sectors: renewable energy, transportation, education, health, technology, water and space. In addition, His Highness has established Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation and created a new post - CEO of Innovation - for every government department. 

 The Government Innovation framework seeks to provide Government employees with the necessary instructions regarding the culture of government innovation and how to start the process of innovation within the corporations and contribute to achieving the government’s vision 2021.